Monday, March 7, 2011


Hey Stellar Fans,

Since the dawn of sales management and personal effectiveness, you have no doubt heard of managing your time to increase productivity. For me, it started with reading Benjamin Franklin’s autobiography. In it, he details a system he devised to rid himself of undesirable habits.
My spin is not to manage time, but to infiltrate it. You must tear time apart and sew it back together to fit your priorities and availability. I comprised a simple system that is not unique in any way but requires the one thing that every time system does, doing it.
1.       Start off by buying a journal at the store. The ones I use are the composition notebooks that are fairly inexpensive. I choose to use the paper and pen method because it is always with me. Using a desktop or a phone presented limitations with how much I revise and scribble.
2.       Go to the last page of the journal. Typically your journal should last you from a few months to a year. Write out a master list. This master list is a form of goal setting. Your objective is to write out the tasks that you know must get done and in what time frame.
3.       Now go to the front of the journal. Write tomorrows date at the top of the first page. Repeat this action on the top of the next seven pages with the corresponding date following the first date you started with.
4.       Plan out tomorrow. Write down everything you can think of that you must get done.
5.       Prioritize the list. Whether you use numbers (1,2,3,) to prioritize or letters (a,b,c,d,) is a matter of preference. As long as you know what needs to be done and in what order.
6.       Keep the journal with you throughout the day. As you complete one of your tasks, highlight it. I prefer this to checking it off. I highlight green for done, pink for moved to the next day, yellow for delegated. You can expand on this method as you see fit.     
7.       From here, you can plan the next day and so on. Typically you want to map out a 90 day schedule at all times. As things come up, add them to the appropriate day.

Destry Brink

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